Study Start

You’ve made it. You’re enrolled and ready to start a new chapter in your life! To make sure everything goes smoothly, we have summarised the most important things for you. Have fun browsing!

Attention! There will be longer waiting times outside the buildings on the first day of university. Please arrive early enough. 5,000 new students alone want to get into the buildings. Plus staff and all other students.

There will be waiting times to buy scripts on the first day. Many professors also offer free pdfs and this is sufficient for the first few days. If there is a discount on textbooks, you will find out in the lecture, so it does not make sense to buy them in advance. You can download many books as pdfs free of charge from the library

Events / Lectures

There are regular events and online lectures to support you in your studies and everyday life. We have uploaded recordings from WS 2021/22 . Some of the topics covered are

On the event platform you will find the current events taking place during the semester. New ones will be added all the time, so bookmark them now.

What is the HTU?

The Students‘ Union at TU Wien – HTU for short – is the legal representation of students’ interests at TU Wien. By paying the ‘ÖH fee’, you are automatically a member of the umbrella organisation and can take advantage of our services free of charge or at a very low price!

ÖH insurance

HTU Service

Is there an offer specifically for my degree programme?

A student council represents the students of a particular degree programme. The student councils are made up of volunteers. They are the first point of contact if problems arise during your studies and offer advice, scripts, exam examples and much more.

They organise your introductory event (= ETUT = Erstsemstrigentutorium) and ensure that you can network better with other students (digitally and offline). Some run a Discord or Mattermost server to enable you to study together.

If you have specific questions about your degree programme or a course, please contact your student council.

And now we have a task for you: click on the homepage of your student council and see what they offer! There you will also find the dates for the introductory events.


Civil and Environmental Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Computer Science

Business informatics and data science

Mechanical and process engineering

Spatial Planning

Technical Chemistry

Technical Mathematics


Geodesy and Geoinformation

How do I find my way around the university?

TU Wien has several campuses spread across Vienna. To help you find your way around, the university provides the TUW-Maps service. You can also find our campus overview maps at the Karlsplatz, Freihaus, Gusshaus and Getreidemarkt campuses and digitally here:

Overview maps

To find lecture halls you can use TUW-Maps or the service TOSS of the Student Council Computer Science

What is TISS?

TISS is your ‘home base’ during your studies. Here you can find your study plan, courses, registrations, certificates,… You can add courses to your favourites and manage them. You can read all notifications regarding courses from TISS under ‘News’. You can subscribe to your timetable in a calendar of your choice.

The Technical Mathematics student council has created a video about TISS. There are also TISS help pages for first-year students.

TISS tips

You can ‘Add categories’ in the favourites. The button is at the bottom of the website. We recommend that you create several categories. Depending on the settings you make, the dates will be displayed differently in the calendar, which you can subscribe to. If you do not use categories, you will receive a lot of irrelevant emails.

Attention! Only the room allocations are displayed in TISS. Your actual lecture times may vary.

Here is a suggestion for categories in TISS:

  • Current semester Lectures (VO, VU)
    • activate all LVA news notification options in the settings, because professors do not always set the ‘important’ marker; emails are a good option, as you will also receive other university-relevant messages in this way
    • some professors use the forum, activate these settings as well
    • Activate ‘Show dates’
  • Current semester exercises (UE)
    • activate all LVA news notification options in the settings, because professors do not always set the ‘important’ marker; emails are a good idea, as you will also receive other university-relevant messages in this way
    • some professors use the forum, activate these settings too
    • Deactivate‘Show dates’, then only time slots of exercises for which you are registered will be displayed
  • Planned exams
    • Activate all LVA News notification options in the settings
    • Deactivate‘Show dates’, then only the exam dates for which you are registered will be displayed
  • Completed courses (you could subdivide these into compulsory, elective and optional subjects)
    • Deactivate all notification options in the settings
    • Deactivate ‘Show dates’
  • Wish list (for courses that you find interesting)
    • Deactivate all notification options in the settings
    • Deactivate ‘Show dates’

For other course types, you need to check whether they are displayed correctly in the calendar.

Move the courses to the correct categories. Click on ‘Calendar’ in the menu and export the calendar subscription below. Transfer the file to your favourite calendar. All data will then be automatically transferred and updated. For more security, you can renew the token if necessary, in which case you will also need to renew the calendar subscription.

Why can’t I find a course (LVA) in TISS?

The correct dates are usually only listed in TISS at the beginning of the semester. In addition, there can often be changes before the start of the semester as the room reservations are not yet known. Just check often to see what is currently available. The main subjects in your study plan will be posted in good time.

Why are so many LVAs not clickable in TISS?

TISS is a universal course catalogue in which the names of old courses are also retained. Professors are always offering new courses and are not obliged to offer all titles from the catalogue. In some cases, courses (electives) are only offered every four semesters or if there is sufficient interest from students.

What is TUWEL?

TUWEL is our Moodle server for course content. Teachers are free to use this platform. It is very flexible and can be used in many different ways. Mostly you will find course recordings, opportunities to submit exams and additional material for courses. You can access the statistics on your achievements via the sidebar.

The TU offers a TUWEL tutorial at the beginning of your degree programme. The Technical Mathematics Student Council has also produced a video on TUWEL.

Where can I learn?

HTU & student councils

Both the HTU and the student councils manage study rooms. You can find a list here:


This is the central administration for learning rooms. In the ‘roomTUlearn’ project, the central teaching and learning room management opens some teaching rooms as learning rooms during free time slots. All information can be found on the website.

How do I use the library?

You can simply go in during opening hours. Please note that you have to put your clothes in a locker and that you need coins as a deposit (1 or 2 euros). You can borrow books as soon as you have activated your student card as a library card. The study places are limited and if you are absent for too long, the table will be cleared.

Most books are available as free downloads. You can also download CatalogPlus from home with an active VPN connection.

How do I get discounted software for students?

You can find the ordering option here. Pay attention to the expiry date of the licences and only order them when you need them. You will find out which licences you need in the course. The use of Microsoft Office and Zoom Pro is currently free of charge. LaTeX is an advantage for documenting mathematical content; an editor for this is called Overleaf Pro and is also free of charge.

How do I use Zoom for lectures?

A Zoom Pro licence is free for all students. Register with your university email address as described here. Install the software on the manufacturer’s website and click on SSO login (single sign-on). Enter ‘’. You must then log in to TISS to verify yourself.

We wish you all the best for the start of the semester!

Your HTU & student councils – always there for you!

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