Financing living and studying in Vienna

Reading time: 25 minutes


As in 2024 a single person will need:

visa requirements per year

+ [tuition fees up to ~750/semester

+ (at least 1500/month)]

x (4-6 semesters regular study duration

+ at least 3 semesters overtime

+ 1-3 semesters preliminary courses)

You will hardly find a job or financial support, grants,… etc if you’re a third-country national.

We get a lot of requests about financial aspects of living and studying in Vienna. So here is an overview of the basics.

Where is this information from? We are students ourselves and help students in need. We also check national statistics and prices regularly. That’s why we can estimate the costs accurately based on all the detailed data we get. We had a look at other websites and guides but we think they underestimate the costs of living in Vienna.

Who is this guide for? For international students that consider studies at TU Wien in Austria. This is a very straight forward guide and we won’t sugarcoat anything. And it’s highly detailed. You will read through facts, tables and fictional examples that reflect our experience. Furthermore, we cover safety factors, their appliance and why they matter. We include the aspect of working and studying simultaneously to give a whole picture.

Table of Contents

    Mostly ignored facts

    We start with information most people tend to ignore and fail badly in the long run. Later we discuss some topics in detail.

    1. German is the preferred language for all legal matters. State institutions won’t translate for you or hardly provide information in English. You will recognize this when you follow our links bellow and it’s also true for curriculum documents.
    2. TU Wien does not provide any housing. You have to look for a flat or student home all by yourself. You can have problems with your landlord and suddenly have to move.
    3. You have to pay for your health insurance and it’s mandatory to have one.
    4. Tuition fees for international students outside the EU are way higher.
    5. You hardly get grants and scholarships from the state or the university if you’re from outside the EU. These are reserved for Austrian citizens and a limited circle of people. Check for options from your home country.
    6. If you’re entitled for a study grant or „Familienbeihilfe“ (child benefit) be careful not to lose it.
    7. The admission process takes months.
    8. You will need longer for your studies than expected.
    9. You may need to visit „Vorstudienlehrgang“ (preliminary courses) because of missing prerequisites.
    10. You may need a language certificate but there are no German courses or certifications available in your home country. Also the TU Wien accepts certificates from appointed organizations only.
    11. You have to show off enough ECTS (study points) for your student visa or you will lose it.
    12. You can’t apply for Austrian citizenship with a student visa.
    13. Doctoral studies don’t automatically include a job offer.
    14. Working in Austria
      • You hardly get a job when you’re from outside the EU and don’t have a working permit. Working permits are complicated and companies tend to take candidates form whom they don’t have to deal with it. 
      • Exceptions are countries with conventions like Turkey – students from those usually find jobs in gastronomy.
      • It can be easier for EU citizens to get a study grant or „Familienbeihilfe“ if they work. They likely lose these benefits if they stop working.
      • Typical jobs that fit with studying include physical labor. For example you will work in a bakery early in the morning or in a supermarket. As soon as you finished your Bachelor you can find a more study related job.
      • Jobs in gastronomy are not well paid and the first that vanish in a pandemic.

    What is a normal income for a student in Austria?

    A job with a higher monthly salary than € 475.- is always with mandatory health insurance. The net income median in Austria was € 2105.- (after taxes and mandatory social security, including health insurance, retirement pension insurance and unemployment insurance) in 2019. This is for a regular full-time job of ~40h and matches roughly with entry jobs after obtaining a degree.

    But what about students? A regular student job is up to € 518.- net (2024) for 10h and called „geringfügige Beschäftigung“. There are no taxes to pay and no health insurance included. That means you have to pay for insurance yourself (about € 70.-).

    Let’s take a look at a real-life example. This was a real job offer online at 01.09.2021.A popular supermarket in Vienna offers job postings for retail positions in Vienna with a salary of

    • € 938.- gross for 18 h / week, which is € 796.- net*
    • € 1095,- gross  for 21h / week, which is € 929.- net*
    • € 1251,- gross for 24h / week, which is € 1061.- net*
    • € 2008,- gross for 38,5h / week (full-time in retail), which is € 1527.- net*.

    *after taxes and mandatory social security, including health insurance, retirement pension insurance and unemployment insurance

    This company pays very well and fair for part-time jobs in retail. Jobs in gastronomy are usually paid worse. 

    What about self-employment? This can be very expensive in Austria because of taxes and mandatory health insurance. Also you need a high level expertise and a tax accountant to help you. What works well in your home country can easily end as a financial disaster in Austria. Often students try pizza delivery, cleaning or other self-employed service jobs and end in debt. Otherwise there are options like „Dienstleistungscheck“ (special form of working below „Geringfügigkeitsgrenze“ up to € 518.- gross in 2024) that are very attractive.

    If your friends found a good job and earn much, ask them how they did it. Learn from them and apply that knowledge. But don’t get fooled by stories from imposters. We know some people like to look wealthy when they work abroad. Also people buy things they can’t afford. In Vienna we often see people living in awful homes but driving a fancy car for prestige.

    If you have the chance to look at a payroll pay attention to details. On a payroll you can see a „Bruttogehalt“ (gross income) at the top. The employer pays „Lohnsteuer“ (income tax) and „Sozialversicherung“ (social security, including health insurance, retirement pension insurance and unemployment insurance) from that. You are left with the „Nettogehalt“ (net income) at the end of that page. In most lines of work, employees receive two additional payments twice a year: „Urlaubsgeld“ (holiday bonus) in June and „Weihnachtsgeld“ (Christmas bonus) in November. If you work overtime, you will receive „Überstunden“ or “Mehrstunden” (overtime payments).

    If you watch gross/net declarations, bonus payments and overtime payments, you can easily see that the regular income on others payrolls is not that high. Also ask them about their cost of living and debt to get the full picture. For more information about payrolls visit the website of Arbeiterkammer.

    Also some students had very bad experiences with employers that wanted to force them into illicit labor to avoid taxes. Your employer should give you a „Dienstzettel“ (information with the details of your agreements), a „Anmeldung bei der Krankenkasse“ (registration for health insurance) and a „Arbeitsgenehmigung“ (working permit) from AMS (public employment service Austria).

    How much will I earn after my studies?

    Most companies are unionized and often minimum income requirements exist (Kollektivvertrag). You can compare incomes by industry with the government database at

    How much money do I need to study in Austria?

    And now we compare these numbers with your financial needs. According to national statistics and the Austrian social welfare programs you need a minimum € 1155.- (€ 1618.- for married couples) a month (in 2024) for basic needs only excluding a part of costs for housing tuition fees, study materials and visa requirements. With this income you are considered below the poverty line. This value roughly matches with our table below.

    For comparison, Austrian study grants from the government are from € 630.- / month (2024) for students that live away from home. It is very unlikely to get the full amount. It is expected by society that parents financially help their children with their education. Most students get extra money from their parents or they pay for their flat. It’s a rarity to get the full sum of study grants because it’s linked to parents income.

    For older students that were working before studying the study grant is up to € 1000.- (2024). Usually older students saved money, keep working or a spouse helps them financially because this grant is too low to be self-sufficient. Study grants are raised regularly, because of inflation.

     StandardCheap (if you’re lucky)Additional info
    Housing student home / shared flat475 / month350 / month 
    Housing own flat (regular rental; including electricity, gas, water, household insurance, heating during winter)750 / month550 / month 
    Essential goods (food, clothing and drug store)300+ / month300 / monthDon’t starve yourself. Eat your vegetables and fruit. Your brain needs nutrients to work properly.We asked at Volkshilfe welfare what a proper amount of money for essential goods is and their information matches our experience.
    Mobile phone, internet25 / month15 / month 
    Transportation / traffic ticket33 / month75 / 5 monthsdepends on age
    Health insurance (student or low income)120 / month70 / month 
    Tuition fees760 / semesterup to 400 / semesterdepends on citizenship
    Architecture studies materials150 / month0Architecture studies are very expensive in the long run, because of needed materials.
    Medicationdepends on your needs0 
    Leisure activitiesdepends on your needsdepends on your needs 
    SUMbetween € 820.- and over € 1500.- monthly depending on your lifestyle
    Visa requirements
    Language course300+ / 6 weeks0 
    Visa for students120 / year0 
    Visa money on your bank account20000 / study duration6700 / study durationOnce a year you need an amount of money on your bank account for visa requirements. It’s an individual calculation and can be much higher or lower.For more information contact the Austrian embassy in your home country.
     StandardCheap (if you’re lucky)Additional info
    Housing student home / shared flat2 x 475 = 950 / month2 x 350 = 700 / month 
    Housing own flat (regular rental; including electricity, gas, water, household insurance, heating during winter)750 / month550 / month 
    Essential goods (food, clothing and drug store)1,5 x 300+ = 450+ / month1,5 x 300 = 450 / monthDon’t starve yourself. Eat your vegetables and fruit. Your brain needs nutrients to work properly.We asked at Volkshilfe welfare what a proper amount of money for essential goods is and their information matches our experience.
    Mobile phone, internet50 / month30 / month 
    Transportation / traffic ticket60 / month150 / 5 monthsdepends on age
    Health insurance (student or low income)240 / month140 / month 
    Tuition fees1520 / semesterup to 800 / semesterdepends on citizenship
    Architecture studies materials300 / month0Architecture studies are very expensive in the long run, because of needed materials.
    Medicationdepends on your needs0 
    Leisure activitiesdepends on your needsdepends on your needs 
    SUMbetween € 1490.- and over € 2850.- monthly depending on your lifestyle
    Visa requirements
    Language course600+ / 6 weeks0 
    Visa for students240 / year0 
    Visa money on your bank account40000 / study duration13400 / study durationOnce a year you need a fixed amount of money on your bank account for visa requirements. It’s an individual calculation and can be much higher or lower.For more information contact the Austrian embassy in your home country.

    We recommend to think about different options and calculate them all with on hand data. The tables above show a theoretical estimate for basic needs and visa requirements. You will need more to live a normal life. Now we show you how to calculate for real life.

    Calculate your minimum monthly expenses and multiply them with a safety factor between 1,2 and 1,5. That’s what we call your monthly expenses baseline. Then you consider visa requirements and add a time factor (longer study duration). Also consider inflation, if necessary.

    Also, you should keep 3x your of your monthly expenses baseline in a savings account for repairs (laptop, washing machine broken, unexpected flights to your home country,…). Also, we recommend to save money for fun activities, because studying abroad is about learning new things, a new culture, a new language and travelling. It’s no fun when everyone eats pizza and you can’t afford any.

    If you calculate your money reserves too low, it will cause longterm mental stress and your studies will suffer. Financial problems can easily cause sleepless nights.

    Some students can live on less, if they are very lucky to find very cheap housing, are eligible for study aid, can use programs for housing from the state or get free insurance from the state. Students who share a flat with relatives like siblings or cousins can also save money. These students are usually Austrian citizens or official refugees.

    You can cut cost of living by choosing cheap housing and cooking at home. Keep in mind that cooking in student homes can be  limited. Also your preferences regarding learning are important. Some can only lean in a quiet room alone, while others can lean in a crowded place. You need to consider time for cummuting, too.

    For actual groceries prices visit or a discounter like or Cigarettes are about € 5,30.- for a 20-piece pack. You can check actual tobacco consumer price lists here.

    You find a proper online budget planner for Austria at Budgetberatung. Their reference budgets include examples for families with kids. You will see that they calculate with higher costs of living than we do.

    Example: Now we generate a typical example. Our fictional students name is non-smoking Navid from Iran studying Architecture and pursuing a Bachelor’s degree. He is a typical student with mediocre grades. The young man is not a language talent, but tries his best. He chooses a 2-person apartment (own bedroom but shared bathroom) in a student home to keep costs low.

    The student visits the hair dresser once a month to look adequate. In winter he tends so get a runny nose so he needs some medication otherwise he is healthy. The young man enjoys team sports in his free time at USI (university sports institute, cheap courses). Navid plans to go skiing once and to visit his family in Iran once. Our fictional character knows he will have problems finding a job before his Master’s program.

    Navid calculates as follows.

    Housing student home475 / month
    one time payment: student home rental deposit (will be paid back when moving out)1000
    Food, clothing and drug store300 / month
    Mobile phone, internet25 / month
    Transportation / traffic ticket75 / 5 months  ≈ 15 / month
    Health insurance120 / month
    Tuition fees760 / semester = 760/6 ≈ 127 / month
    Architecture studies materials150 / month
    Medication10 / month
    Leisure activities (going out 20.-, lunch with friends 20.-,  USI sports courses from university 45.-)85 / month
    hair dresser(hair cuts for women are way more expensive, starting at 35.-, depending on hair length)15 / month
    one time payment: holidays, a week skiing in Kärnten with friends (low season or stay at a friends house)500
    one time payment: flight for visiting family in Iran300
    one time payment: moving to Austria and back1000
    one time payment: furniture and utilities (could be sold if no longer needed)500
    Visa requirements
    Language course300 / 6 weeks
    Visa for students120 / year = 120/12 = 10
    Visa money on your bank account15000 / study duration
    Final calculation
    monthly expenses baseline without safety factor~1335 / month
    monthly expenses baseline with safety factor, we choose 1,31335 x 1,3 = 1736 / month
    Vorstudienkurs (preliminary courses) 2 semester = 1 year1736 x 12 x 1  = 20837
    study duration Bachelor 6 semester  = 6 semester = 3 years1736 x 12 x 3  = 62511
    study duration Bachelor 4 semester extra for safety = 2 years (this is necessary and explained later)1736 x 12 x 2 = 41674
    one time payments for language course, holidays, family visits, rental deposit, furniture, utilities, moving3600
    initial on your bank account for visa (for information only, not an extra position for the calculation)15000
    monthly expenses baseline x3 for repairs1736 x 3 =  5208
    SUM for a Bachelor’s degree € 133764.-including € 5208.- never leaving the bank account and € 1000.- rental deposit payback in a best-case scenario

    How did the calculation of our fictional student turn out? Navid couldn’t start his studies right away. He attended Vorstudienlehrgang for a year because he was missing prerequisites. Unfortunately he couldn’t find a cheap apartement on time. The student booked a cheaper room for next semester when his contract was over. It took weeks to get the rental deposit back and he was grateful to have some savings for the deposit of the cheaper room. Navid finally started his studies in Architecture. They were more time consuming than expected. Also he needed a lot of materials for his models.

    Navid was unlucky and broke his leg in the second semester. The young man spent eight weeks in hospital and couldn’t visit lectures. It was not possible to meet a satisfying agreement for crafting lessons, so he decided to postpone some lectures. That’s one reason why Navid needed more time to finish his studies. Navid always paid health insurance and everything including physiotherapy was covered except for a small service fee at the hospital. Because Navid is from Iran with “Aufenthaltsbewilligung Studierender” (student visa) he is not eligible for a refund of tuition fees in case of illness.

    Then, in the third semester, his father had health problems and he decided to book an extra flight and visit his family – Navid stayed some time to help them. Navid’s family didn’t want him to stop his studies and stay. Also, they followed their financial plan for emergencies, so there was no change in support for their son. His family also respected that he lives his own life now. Three weeks later he enjoyed holidays with his friends skiing and it was a wonderful experience. Navid did not feel bad because he took a holiday while his father was still sick. He could visit him again anytime if things got worse.

    In his fourth Semester the laptop of our fictional character just broke. He needed one instantly and found a suitable model at a second-hand store.

    Later, Navid needed some tutoring lessons for a very hard exam. (Tutoring lessons at university level are often charged € 30.- or more per hour.) But he was so terrified to fail that he couldn’t take the exam. In the following year another professor held the same lecture and the student decided to visit the lecture again. This time, with the other professor, he understood everything much better. Navid could finally pass the exam and obtain his Bachelor’s degree in eighth semester plus two semester Vorstudienlehrgang.

    All of this was no problem because he calculated with safety factors and had savings for unexpected circumstances. In the end Navid didn’t need all money he calculated, but he never had to worry too much about finances.

    You see, things can add up pretty quickly. Most people underestimate how expensive studying abroad is. Calculate for the whole study duration with safety/time factors to avoid dropping out of university for financial reasons. This extra money makes life less stressful. There’re things you just can’t know as a foreigner and exactly these things get expensive.

    Another example: Aya and Olson, our fictional persons, arrive in Vienna and the flat they rent has furniture in it. But the furniture is so old it breaks. Their landlord says he won’t do anything about it (can be legal). The siblings go to the next shop and buy a new piece of furniture at a discount for € 100.-. Both thinks it’s a bargain. They don’t know, that is a popular flea market platform. The young people could have had a similar piece of used furniture for free.

    Tracking expenses 

    Many students struggle when they live alone for the first time. Everything is new and some skills need more practice. One of these skills is spending money wisely.

    Example: Let’s have a look at a day in the life of a fictional student, Mariam is up early every day. On her way to the university she buys breakfast and coffee at a bakery. Then she attends a lecture. For our student the day is very stressful she has not much time to eat at lunchtime. So she goes to the cafeteria and eats a standard lunch menu. Later in the afternoon she gets hungry again and the goes to the next supermarket and buys some cookies and a beverage. At the checkout Mariam sees a pack of tissues and buys it, too. On his way back he remembers she needs new pencils. After learning with her fellow students, Mariam orders a pizza and a beverage over the internet for dinner. Because she wants to eat healthier she also orders a salad.

    Mariams expenses are:

    ItemPrice in [€]
    Breakfast (bakery)
    a roll with filling3,50
    Lunch (cafeteria) 
    standard menu5,80
    Break (supermarket) 
    Dinner (delivery service) 
    Utilities (supermarket) 

    Whats wrong with this outcome? Note that there are no expensive purchases and only unspectacular items. But many small purchases over a day add up to € 30,30. If Mariam does this every day she needs € 30,30 x 30 days = € 909 / month to maintain this lifestyle. In the tables for cost estimates we stated about € 300 / month for essential goods. With this allowance our fictional student runs out of money after 10 days in this month.

    This problem exists in different variations. It’s not only food. The small items can be utilities, materials, tools, makeup, drinks with friends,… and every combination of it.

    Small purchases can add up very quickly. Keep all bills and use a spreadsheet or app to track your expenses. Do this at least for a year to get a feeling what lifestyle you can afford. Also choose a cheaper supermarkets or shops and plan your expenses ahead. Use a shopping list and learn how to prepare meals at home.

    Students tell us that they shop at social markets to save money. These are offering products of everyday requirements at very reasonable prices to persons with low income. Some markets allow students to get a member card very easily. The website contains lists all social help institutions in Vienna.

    Example continued: Mariam uses an automatic expenses tracker in her bank app to check his financial status regularly. She recognizes that her expenses don’t fit with her initial plan. So she makes some changes as stated above, but she decides to eat lunch in the cafeteria anyway.

    ItemPrice in [€]
    Breakfast (home made)
    roll with butter and marmalade0,50
    standard cafeteria menu5,80
    extra salad1,00
    Break (prepared) 
    apple and cracker1,00
    Dinner (home made) 
    rice and chicken 1 portion (she cooks more and freezes the rest)2,00
    homemade salad with toppings0,30
    Utilities (supermarket) 

    Mariam can cut her expenses in half with some simple changes. There is still room for improvement if she wishes to do so. For now, she wants to eat at the cafeteria at lunch and to eat a second warm meal for dinner. Mariam doesn’t want to spend only € 300 / month on essential goods. So she repeats the cost estimate calculation with € 530 / month and she finds out she can afford it if she reduces the safety factor. Mariams initial calculation was with a safety factor of 1,4, so that’s no problem.

    Everyone has different needs and wishes. Some of them we are not ware of till we are in a specific situation. As long as you do the math and plan ahead there is nothing wrong with adapting your initial plans.

    Should I work and study simultaneously?

    If you work and study simultaneously, you will study way longer. And because you don’t get a well paid job at first you will work a lot.

    • Working 10h / week results only in a slight drawback in activity for university, because you can often work on Saturdays.
    • Working 20h / week results in 60-75% drawback in activity for university. That’s the minimum amount of hours you need to work to support yourself when you don’t have help from relatives.
    • Working 30+h / week results in 80-90% drawback in activity for university.

    Compare the job offer above and the estimated cost of living again. You are not a machine. Working sucks off a lot of energy which you need for university to be successful. Also, living in Austria is expensive. If possible, start working at the end of your Master’s program and not earlier. You can switch to a job seeker visa at the end of your studies if you wish to work in Austria afterwards. There is a catch: if you don’t find a job within a certain amount of time you have to leave the country.

    You have to show off 16 ECTS (study points) for your student visa or you will lose it. Be careful to reach your study goals for it.

    It can be easier for EU citizens to get a study grant or „Familienbeihilfe“ if they work. If you’re from the EU and are entitled for a study grant or Familienbeihilfe be careful not to lose it. You have to work to maintain it. Make sure you understand what you’re allowed to do and what not.

    Some students financially support their family in their home country. In the end they work a lot and never finish their studies. Also the thought of „not doing enough for your family“ can be a serious psychological obstacle in achieving your goals. The best way to support your family is to be a good student and earn your degree fast.

    How long will I study till I obtain a degree?

    Most students study longer than expected. Bachelor’s degrees are considered 6 semesters but it takes 8-10 semesters to finish. Master’s degrees are considered 4 semesters but is takes 5-6 semesters to finish. We know this from experience.

    Some students study faster. They usually have a Bachelor degree from their home country, pursue a Master degree (or a second one) and are excellent A+ students. Interestingly they also have financial problems, because they calculated their expenses too low.

    Often additional courses are necessary to get accepted (Vorstudienkurs, preliminary courses). Language problems, underestimation of study/work load and financial stress are the most common obstacles in obtaining a degree. Also, supporting family members in your home country financially can easily cause a longer study time. You need to consider illness, too. You can have an accident and need hospitalization for weeks. Please calculate at least 1,5 to 2 extra years for every single degree you pursue. And don’t forget about Vorstudienlehrgang (preliminary courses).

    Which branch of study is a good fit for me?

    Sometimes we get asked: which branch of study will result in the highest income? Well, there is no answer. Some jobs are paid better than others. In Austria the best collective agreement is in metal industry. Also, consider there are engineers/architects/… that earn a lot and there are other engineers/architects/… that just don’t.  Reasons for that is their level of expertise and the job market. Only because you have a degree it doesn’t mean you will find a suitable job. Something like a job guarantee does not exist.

    Some parents send one of their (many) children abroad and hope for a high income or status. They also choose a field of study for them, in which their children are not truly interested. We can tell from experience that this will not work out as expected. Most of these students struggle for years, don’t obtain a degree and suffer mental health problems. Finally, they go back to their home country, feel good again and study something they are interested in. Suddenly everything works out.

    You are a valuable employee in a field that’s interesting for you and an even better one if you’re good at it. You need passion to pass the obstacles in your way and finish a degree abroad. It will be very painful when you choose something that does not fit your skill- or mindset. The right question is: What am I good at?

    Visit for more information about meaningful career options and how to choose one that fits.

    Where can I find more information about study grants or other financial aids?

    • You can look up for options from your home country.
    • Check the requirements and apply for „Studienbeihilfe“ (study grant by the state).
    • Check the requirements and apply for Familienbeihilfe (child benefit).
    • Visit to get a full list of all possible grants in Austria.
    • Get help from your local Austrian embassy or the embassy of your home country in Austria.
    • Have a look at the brochures download offered by ÖH Bundesvertretung (federal representation of our student union).
    • If you pursue a doctoral degree contact the Fachschaft Doktorat (student union of doctoral studies) and read their article.

    What about student loans?

    In Austria, universities do not provide student loans. Trustworthy loans are only granted by banks to individuals with a reasonable and steady income. However, these loans are still consumer loans with relatively high interest rates. As a result, most students are not eligible for loans. We recommend that students avoid taking out loans of any kind.

    Finally, ask yourself 

    Take some time and work through the following questions. Ask your relatives for clarity if necessary.

    1. Financial security of your family
      • How does the job loss or death of a family member effect my studies?
      • Will one of my family members earn less when they are in rent?
      • What happens when a relative needs special care because of illness (cancer,…)?
      • Do you have the money for your studies upfront or do you depend on good will from relatives?
      • Does your family borrow money for your studies?
        • Where does your family borrow money from?
        • Are these people trustworthy?
        • Who pays off the debt?
        • Is there a due date?
      • Are you expected to work abroad and send money to relatives?
    2. Inflation of the currency in your home country
      • Is my home country stable or not?
      • Can you store money for your studies in another, more stable currency?
    3. Length of studies
      • Did you consider the additional time and money you need for Vorstudienkurs (required preliminary courses)?
      • Did you consider your studies can take longer due to illness?
      • Did you consider your studies can take longer because of other issues?
    4. Motivation
      • Why do I want to study abroad?
      • Does my family force me to study something I’m not interested in because of money or status?

    Ask yourself honestly: Can I truly afford to study in Austria? If so, we help you with the admission process and during your studies.

    Other options

    There is no need to be sad if you can’t move to Vienna for a whole Bachelors and Masters programme. Instead, think about the following options.

    • Study in a smaller town in Austria with a lower cost of living.
    • Study in a country with a lower cost of living.
    • Consider only a Master’s degree abroad, because it needs less time.
    • Consider one or two semesters abroad – universities often have programs for that (including grants).
    • Consider a summer school.

    Final Words

    We hope this guide helps you to find realistic estimates for your situation. If you can plan ahead, you can succeed. And we want you to succeed. If you need further help figuring things out, don’t hesitate to contact us

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